After Effects: Digital Fortress

This project I was required to make a 30 second trailer for a book soon coming to film. I decided to create a trailer for a book by Dan Brown called Digital Fortress. Really good book for those who haven’t read it here is a little synopsis:

When the National Security Agency’s invincible code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, the agency calls in its head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher, a brilliant, beautiful mathematician. What she uncovers sends shock waves through the corridors of power. The NSA is being held hostage – not by guns or bombs, but by a code so complex that if released would cripple U.S. intelligence. Caught in an accelerating tempest of secrecy and lies, Fletcher battles to save the agency she believes in. Betrayed on all sides, she finds herself fighting not only for her country but for her life, and in the end, for the life of the man she loves…

I used the following programs to create the trailer: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects (a program that I have only touched on but never really delved into until now). Here is the final trailer, enjoy!

Website: Free Speech

This project I was required to make a website, there was numerous briefs but the one that caught my attention was ‘Free Speech’. This project is about using disposable mobile phones for the person that’s on the go. Well after some research I decided to take it one step further by making the phone bio-degradable (mainly consisting of bio-degradable plastic and bamboo), therefore making it eco-friendly and environmentally friendly (always a plus). I also delved further into three key programs to make the site come together, Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks and Dreamweaver.

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Fitness Wales: brochure cover ideas

The university MA Graphic Communication students was approached by Fitness Wales to make the front cover for there new brochure, they didn’t have much of an idea of what they wanted so I created a few simple covers. Some covers I used simple typography, and others I used the stock photos that were provided by them.

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Games App: Riddlers

This brief I required to make a games application for android, apple devices etc. based around the theme ‘Family’. I had tremendous amounts of fun, and also collaborating not only with some of the students on MA Graphic Communication, I worked along side of MA Animation and MA Sound Design & Music students too. Also learned how to use a new piece of software called Game Salad, which allows you to create your own games.

The idea of the game is simple, the family is the Riddlers! and you have to solve the riddles and save the family members! aged around 7-10 year olds, and keeping it fun and enjoyable for all.

In-game Screen shots:

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