The secrets of the Rubix Cube

I managed to loan a DSLR Camera from the uni till Monday. I was originally going to use the camera to take photos around the City Campus, however the lens that came with macro lens, and so I played around with my Rubix Cube just by taking a couple of pics of of the object on it’s own (granted that I’ve never used a DSLR before I dont think I’ve done too bad).

I then got another lens for it today to zoom further into my subject, and this produced some very interesting effects.

Then when I zoomed in further it came out with even more interesting results.

I shall use these as backgrounds for my poster/flyers.

Vectorized Font

After vectorizing, and playing around with my font for the day, this is what I have come up with…I might use it, however I’m a little unsure. What do you think?

I’ve improved the lettering yet again (specialy with the Q).

Now with a little bit of colour I think it works out really well, whether it be on a light or dark background.


This is probably the most coolest way that I have seen the news broadcast in a long time. Specially with this day and age of recession and depression in the economical status of the world. This is a sort of info-graphic style of news that is broadcast all around the world. It looks a little confusing at first, but it is a truly unique site. Check it out! you never know what you might find.,e,m,n,s,t,w/uk/view/