Posters and flyers, oh my…

After receiving more feedback from my tutors about my posters ideas, and playing around for the remainder of the the day. This is what I have created!

I decided to stick with the landscape poster instead of portrait, as I feel it works out better, and it also allows me to put more information on the poster.

For my flyers I decided to do a couple of variations, allowing people the choice to pick which ones that they want. On the back of them will be the information about the festival, and the courses.

The secrets of the Rubix Cube

I managed to loan a DSLR Camera from the uni till Monday. I was originally going to use the camera to take photos around the City Campus, however the lens that came with macro lens, and so I played around with my Rubix Cube just by taking a couple of pics of of the object on it’s own (granted that I’ve never used a DSLR before I dont think I’ve done too bad).

I then got another lens for it today to zoom further into my subject, and this produced some very interesting effects.

Then when I zoomed in further it came out with even more interesting results.

I shall use these as backgrounds for my poster/flyers.

Vectorized Font

After vectorizing, and playing around with my font for the day, this is what I have come up with…I might use it, however I’m a little unsure. What do you think?

I’ve improved the lettering yet again (specialy with the Q).

Now with a little bit of colour I think it works out really well, whether it be on a light or dark background.


Instead of just using already made fonts, I have decided to create my own font for the Faces Project. This is quite a play on words.

My first attempt I feel isn’t so good because granted that I did the height of the font by 5 squares, the width didn’t add up too well leaving some of the letters 3,4, or 5 squares thick.

(as you can see the G and the Q aren’t very clear)

So I decided to give it another go, keeping all of the characters the same height and width (5×5) giving myself more space to work with and also to make the letter more profound and easier to read.


I also tried it out with numbers too. However 5×4 works really well, for you see if I had made it that square bigger it would have been too bulky and thick to work with.

(another success)

I shall now play around with these and see what I can create.