Lizzie Mary Cullen

Lizzie Mary Cullen is a multi award-winning designer based in London.  Lizzie graduated from Goldsmiths College in 2008, and after a stint on the Harry Potter films went into design and hasn’t looked back! She has since exhibited internationally in New York, Paris and London, and is represented by Phosphor Art. Being named one of the Hot 50 People Making a Difference in Design by Design Week magazine Lizzie has been featured in various publications and books.  She is has featured on BBC London radio and in many leading design publications and national papers. She is currently working with Zizzi Italian Eateries on large scale murals in their nationwide locations, and is always open to fun and exciting projects which require a little bit of skill and a whole lotta drawing. Clients include MTV, Zizzi, Somerset House, The Guardian and Harvey Nichols. Lizzie also is working with Six String Productions, record label of Tom Felton, star of Harry Potter and musician.

Adrienne Craddock

Adrienne Craddock’s striking hand painted prints feature birds, beasts and figures who inhabit imaginary worlds inspired by stories, rhymes or fable. Her work has a richly textured surface quality, and a playfulness in the subjects depicted. Adrienne is heavily influenced by the experience of her rural Herefordshire upbringing. The animals she encountered there appear in her work as characters from tales making it a very personal interpretation. The imagery can be festive and exhilarating, quiet and sensitive or dark and suggestive. Like the tales, rhymes and proverbs which kindle her creative vision, Adrienne’s art playfully reveals fundamental truths about human nature. It also champions the imagination and good story telling. She makes the work in small editions of no more than 25. Many of the prints are hand painted making each image unique.

Experimental Packaging

For my magazine I’ve been thinking of different types of packaging that will make my magazine look interesting and unique. I came across this site just now on different types of packaging for different types of things. Although not all is in relation to magazines, it has given me many ideas to take into the consideration into creating the packaging.

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

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