Posters and flyers, oh my…

After receiving more feedback from my tutors about my posters ideas, and playing around for the remainder of the the day. This is what I have created!

I decided to stick with the landscape poster instead of portrait, as I feel it works out better, and it also allows me to put more information on the poster.

For my flyers I decided to do a couple of variations, allowing people the choice to pick which ones that they want. On the back of them will be the information about the festival, and the courses.

Faces Research: Pieter Cornelis “Piet” Mondriaan

Piet Mondriaan was a Dutch painter who played a very important role in the De Stijl movement, which was founded by Theo van Doesburg. He was also involved in a non-representational form which he termed as ‘Neo-Plasticism’. This context consists of a white background, which was painted in a grid formation of vertical and horizontal black lines, with only three primary colours.

Mondrian gray tree

File:Mondrian gray tree.jpg
in his early years he painted trees and nature in the form of the cubisum style.

Later on he then Immersed in the crucible of artistic innovation that was post-war Paris, he flourished in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom that enabled him to embrace an art of pure abstraction for the rest of his life. Mondrian began producing grid-based paintings in the style for which he came to be renowned began to appear.

File:Mondrian Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow.jpg
(Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow)

His body of work has been influenced into variety of things over the many generations:

another view of same building

I love it because it is simple, effective, fun, and unique. So I shall use this idea and fuse this with my idea of the “batturnburg/rubix” poster I’ve created, and play around and see what I can re-create. I have a good feeling about this :). Still sticking with the theme of geometric faces.

New beginings

As the ‘Magawebzine’ and ‘Graphic Design Theory 2’ is at an end. There will be a series of projects for the next semester called ‘Competition and Commision’. For this project I will be working on posters for the Graduate show, creating a photography book for a documentary photography student, and also a few more projects as there will be about 5/8 projects in total.

The first project of next semester is to promote the graduate show, and the theme is ‘Faces’. I will keep you all up to date with my progression that I have been portraying through this blog.

so watch this space! 🙂