Magazine Packaging

After many attempts of trying to make a packaging that would suit my magazine (simulated transparent, brown paper, card), and to make it more appealing. I have decided to use plastic, it’s simple, it’s mainly associated with kids magazines, and easy to open.

The child or the parent can see the content of whats inside the magazine, so it’s visible as to what you will be getting free with the magazine, and also it keeps all the things inside the magazine safe and secure…Well we don’t want anything to wander off now do we?

(this isn’t my final magazine, but you get the picture)

Promotional Postcards

I’ve taken a couple of pictures of my little hamster playing around and have turned them into promotional postcards (following the same theme as my magazine Black and White because hamsters are colour blind). I shall use some of these and the flyer that I have created to go inside my magazine.

which ones do you like? (all comments are welcome and encouraged)