Alex Varanese

releases music as broken time machines.
has released one episode so far of an animated sitcom.
is native to the bay area.
thinks john hughes is bigger than jesus.
is an ardent believer in hard determinism and wishes he were better friends with fate.
is guilty of an overuse—but never misuse—of the word “literally”.
draws upon a limitless supply of cheeky quips designed specifically for ironic, post-hipster posturing.
likes red more than you do.

Infograph (Updated)

After working very hard, I have finally finished my infograph! I have used all 100 images that I have collected from my top 10, and placed them inside the bubbles. I have show the relation to each other by connecting certain bubbles together… it’s fascinating to see how many of the things that I thought were random come together. The person in the middle can represent either me or you, and you are entering my world, and seeing all 100 bubbles, showing my top 10. This is also easier to work with, because I then have to throw two darts at it and connect 2 random things for the next task.

Experimental Packaging

For my magazine I’ve been thinking of different types of packaging that will make my magazine look interesting and unique. I came across this site just now on different types of packaging for different types of things. Although not all is in relation to magazines, it has given me many ideas to take into the consideration into creating the packaging.

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

Creative Product Designs

from more information click here


Hydro74 is a Orlando based designer, otherwise known as Joshua M. Smith. The soul purpose of his career is to push the boundries in doing what he feel’s is relevant to the market as well as extract various elements and trends to be able to offer them up in his own personal work. He creates his work because it is his passions. Not because he has to do it, nor is forced to do it, but rather passionate about doing what he does. Smith believe’s in having set style tones, yet a sense of diversity to make any various project unique to the demands that are set forth.